Description Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is a young singer from Canada. His father was named Jeremy Jack Bieber and his mother was Patricia Lynn Mallette. His mother gave birth to Justin Bieber at the age of 18. Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994. In addition to singing, Justin can play musical instruments like: guitar, piano, keyboards, trumpets, and drums.
Father and mother spilt up when the 2 year old Justin Bieber. Justin at 4 years in the register at school to play drums by his mother and began studying piano at age 7 years and guitar. While in high school he learned to play trumpet.
Justin Bieber became a sensation in the United States in 2009 after being discovered by Scooter Braun through a video on youtube that is downloaded by the Justin mother in 2007. Scooter Braun saw this video and decided to bring justin with Usher to audition.
His first single titled ‘One Time’. His first album is ‘My World’ and receive a platinum award in the United States, and became the first singer to have seven songs from the first album that the whole work to be ranked on the Billboard Hot 100, a list of songs that are popular leading.


Bayam Bantu Perangi Kepikunan

Ghiboo.com – Ini mungkin menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa Popeye sangat menyukai bayam. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa bayam bisa membantu memerangi penyakit demensia.

Peneliti percaya sayuran dan buah yang kaya vitamin C dan beta karoten, seperti bayam, jeruk dan wortel, dianggap efektif melawan penurunan kognitif di usia tua.

Demensia terjadi ketika gumpalan abnormal dari protein beta-amyloid di otak mempengaruhi komunikasi antara sel-sel otak.

Stres oksidatif yang terjadi ketika tubuh bereaksi dengan oksigen dan melepaskan radikal bebas, juga dianggap berkontribusi terhadap penurunan kognitif.

Namun, antioksidan yang ditemukan dalam buah-buahan berwarna cerah, sayuran dan teh, efektif menetralkan radikal bebas dan melindungi dari kepikunan.
Sumber : http://id.she.yahoo.com/bayam-bantu-perangi-kepikunan-113000218.html